Grooming Services
45 min
As per breed size2 hr
As per breed size15 min
From 200 Indian rupees15 min
600 Indian rupees15 min
300 Indian rupees30 min
Starting from 300
Training and Behavior Consultation
We offer training and behavior consultation for your pup. After more than 9 years as professional dog trainer, we've piled together a crash-course for the pet-parents. The crash course is customized to your and your dog's needs.
General structure of the course :
There are two optional modules in this crash course - 5 session module and a 10 session module.
- 5 session module consists mainly of the Basic theory of Dog Behavior and Psychology with very less room for customization. It focuses on giving the parent deep technical understanding of dog behavior based on observations and various research studies conducted worldwide.
Cost : ₹ 10,000
- The 10 session module follows 80% theory and 20% practical training routine. Inclusion of practical training makes it a highly customizable model. This module aims at introducing physical cues and responses, to the pet parent.
Cost : ₹ 17,000