The language, as we know, is a method of communication, either spoken or written, used to convey and express emotions, messages etc. Language that we speak about, consists of words in a specific structured and conventional way.
So naturally, animals don’t possess the ability to use the language as we do. Does that mean they have no way of communicating and delivering what they want to “say”? Obviously, no.
They have a way which predates, the evolution of language or evolution of first humans, for that matter. This very natural form of communicating, which we fail to observe and understand, is the body language. Even minor movement of one single muscle on the animal’s face delivers immense amounts of information about the animal’s intent. We are only blind to these cues because ironically, we are better used to be the ‘listeners‘.
Animals or more specifically the dogs, as I’m only best qualified to talk about dogs and very less about animals in general, have a very peculiar way of communicating with humans. They have developed their own ways to communicate differently with humans than with other species. Dogs are astonishingly well capable of picking up human cues just by observing them. Slight change in the tone of speaking notifies the dog about human’s changed mood and they try their best to adjust to it. For ex. a frustrated, tired, sad or depressed person will obeserve their dog to suddenly become clingy rather than it’s usual jumpy self. This is a classic case of reading facial and physical cues on dog’s part. In other words, your dog knows you better than you know him.
Dogs perceive the world differently than we do (obviously). Their perception or cognition works best with observation, trial and error, sequence and consequence etc. They are constantly collecting data about how things work around them. What type of action brings what type of consequence? Is the consequence good or bad for him? Relatively, is the repitition of that action beneficial for him? Remember, when we were kids, we could tell just by the sound of footsteps beyond the front door, if it was our mom’s or dad’s? That is what we’re talking about. Simply associating specific type of sound to the arrival of one of your parent by observing the pattenr for long enough, allowed you to deduce who’s coming home.

So, in order to know ‘why your dog does what he does‘, you’ll most definitely need to see what he’s trying to say to you…